Řešitelským týmem projektu ČVUT byl v rámci IV International Symposium of Young Researches “TRANSPORT PROBLEMS” v Katowicích představen základní koncept detailní analýzy pohybu autobusu VHD po pozemní (místní) komunikaci. Detailní analýza pohybu autobusu v uličním prostoru je prvním krokem pro stanovení nástroje pro vyhodnocení kvality pohybu vozidel povrchové VHD na daném úseku komunikační sítě, který by se měl stát základním podkladem pro jedním z hlavních výstupů projektu – Zásad stanovení preferenčních os veřejné hromadné dopravy na komunikační síti. Hlavní novinkou v přístupu k preferenci je definice 3 základních faktorů ovlivňujících pohyb autobusu VHD po pozemní komunikaci – faktor intenzity IAD, faktor křižovatky řízení SSZ a faktor uspořádání a stavebního řešení komunikace.
Úryvek článku prezentovaného na katowickém symposiu: Vojtěch NOVOTNÝ, Dagmar KOČÁRKOVÁ, Ondřej HAVLENA a Martin JACURA: Detailed Analysis of Public Bus Vehicle Ride on UrbanRoad. IV International Symposium of Young Researches "TRANSPORT PROBLEMS". 2015: Katowice.
The detailed analysis of a bus ride and its manoeuvres has to be indivisible part of modern point of view on public transport priority measures. A ride of public transport vehicles (thus also level of quality and reliability of public bus services) is influenced by three main factors:
- car traffic volume (in relation with road capacity)
- traffic lights at intersections, respectively parameters of their signal plan and level of priority of public transport
- road and street space layout, arrangement of lanes, right of way etc.
Fig. 1. Main factors influencing a ride of public transport vehicle on urban road.
3.1 Factor of car traffic volume
Between car traffic volume (in relation to road capacity) and bus services delays is usually quite clear dependence. In the case of road congestion when traffic volume hit the level of road capacity, the speed of traffic flow is sharply decreasing and public buses riding in that traffic flow are delayed. This situation leads to unreliability of bus services over the entire length of bus lines and to decrease of their travel speed. This factor is decisive mainly in sections between intersections, but traffic volume also can overload an intersection.
3.2 Factor of traffic lights at intersections
Traffic lights without public transport priority (or even without dynamic control – with fixed cycles) may delay the bus service, even if the road is completely empty. Bus can by delayed completely independently of the current traffic coming just the red signal occurs. This also applies to intersections with dynamic signal plan but without public transport priority (controller detects vehicle is coming, but cannot distinguish whether it is a public bus or not. Another issue is level of public transport priority on traffic lights. We distinguish two types of priority:
- absolute priority (when the bus pass through an intersection without stopping or slowing)
- conditional priority (when the priority for the bus depends not only on coming bus but also on global conditions and state of traffic at the area of intersection)
Level of public transport priority on traffic lights usually depends on type of intersection, directions of bus lines and if there is an exclusive bus approach lane or not).
3.3 Factor of road and street space layout
The actual layout of street space can provide a higher quality of public transport and make a ride of public transport vehicles easier and faster even when traffic flow is relatively free. Public transport friendly layout of street space could come together with other traffic calming measures. This make public transport priority natural in street space.
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